Focus Area: Youth


Young Life exists to introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith. Young Life doesn't start with a program. It starts with adults who are concerned enough about kids to go to them, on their turf and in their culture, building bridges of authentic friendship. These relationships don't happen overnight — they take time, patience, trust and consistency. Kids' lives are dramatically influenced when caring adults come alongside them, sharing God's love with them.

Vision: Every adolescent will have the opportunity to meet Jesus Christ and follow Him.

Volunteer Impact

Volunteers of Young Life are making a difference in Syracuse by supporting the following efforts:

Contact Work — Caring for KiDS

Because kids don't care how much you know till they know how much you care, Young Life leaders show they care by going where kids are, meeting them as they are, believing in who they can be. Within Young Life, the persistent going out into the world of kids is called "contact work," but kids just call it friendship.

Campaigners — A Time to Learn and Grow

Campaigners (a name that points back to the early days when Young Life was referred to as "The Young Life Campaign") is a regular meeting for kids who wish to learn more or grow in their faith through study, service and leadership. Young Life leaders also encourage these kids to celebrate their faith through participation in a local congregation.

Club - A Party with a Purpose

Young Life “Club” is a monthly outreach event which provides a safe place for teens to come together to build friendships. Food, activities, and music make club a fun place to hear about God’s love.